International Conference on
“Inclusive STEAM Education”
Patras, Greece, and online
30-31 May, 2025
SpicE project invites you to the International Conference on “Inclusive STEAM Education”!
The conference will foster open and fruitful dialogue between the project partners, the scientific and educational community and other stakeholders, on modern scientific approaches in the field of Inclusive STEAM Education, the necessity to shift towards equity in education, the practicalities of implementing Inclusive STEAM Education in the classroom, the professional development of the teachers, and the future of Inclusive STEAM education.
SpicE supports the inclusion of students with mild disabilities in STEAM education and aims at strengthening primary (and secondary) school teachers’ competences in Inclusive STEAM Education, to bridge the gap between STEAM and special education. The project has deployed three different training phases (MOOC, Blended learning, Exchange program) for pre- and in-service teachers, to empower the educators’ roles in the classroom.
The conference is addressed to teachers and educators of all levels engaged or interested in applying Inclusive STEAM education, scientists, researchers and postgraduate students, education executives, and to any individual interested in being informed of the latest aspects of Inclusive STEAM Education. Certificates of participation will be awarded to the conference attendees.
The conference will take place at the central Auditorium of Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece, and online, on Friday 30/05/25 and Saturday 31/05/25.
Participation in the conference is free of charge.
The conference is supported by Hellenic Open University, the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Greece, the international teacher community Scientix ( and the project “SEER” (The STE(A)M Education European Roadmap, HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-70,
Abstract Submission Instructions
All abstracts must be submitted through the designated submission system. The submission system and deadlines will be announced soon.
Interested participants must submit an extended abstract (max 1000 words) of the work that will be presented. It must consist of introduction, objectives, methodology, results and conclusions and must provide adequate information to permit thorough understanding of the topic treated. Only a few necessary references should be listed; these are not included in the word count. You can find the Microsoft Word template for abstract submission here.
Contributions can be about inclusive STEAM practices (in any educational level, both for general and special education schools), teacher professional development, inclusion, assessment methodologies, use of new technologies for STEAM and inclusion, the A in STEAM.
Abstracts must be written in English, free of errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts, as the content will be reproduced exactly as submitted by the author. The opportunity to give the presentation in one of the languages represented in the consortium (Bulgarian, Greek, Spanish) is under consideration.
Abstract Submission Policies
By submitting an abstract, you agree to the following conditions:
- Abstract Review: All submissions will undergo peer review by the conference Scientific Programme Committee.
- Abstract Selection: The Scientific Programme Committee will select abstracts for oral presentations or posters.
- Publication of Accepted Abstracts: Submitting an abstract implies consent to publication in the conference digital Book of Abstracts.
- Copyright Notice: Authors must ensure that submitted material complies with copyright laws.
- Privacy Statement: Names and email addresses collected are solely for the conference purposes, following GDPR rules.