Good morning Rosabel 🙂
Some STEAM projects ideas I would consider for the school would be:
– Use LEGO bricks to build a marble maze: Students can engineer a marble maze using LEGO bricks on top of a base plate. Ensure the marble can pass through lanes and have a clear start and finish.
– Launch a straw rocket: Create a tube out of paper that is slightly larger than a straw and seal one end shut. Cut rocket shapes out of paper and tape them to the paper tube. Blow into the bottom of the straw to launch the rocket. Observe and discuss the physics of rockets while also measuring the distance each of the rockets traveled.
– Build a game out of recycled materials: Using recycled materials, have students plan, write rules, and create a game. Test designs by playing games to ensure they work and rules are fair.
– Construct a catapult: Apply concepts of potential and kinetic energy by building a catapult using Popsicle sticks, rubber bands, and plastic spoons.