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    • #1269

        1. The Royal Mathematical Society (2011). Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME). Mathematical Needs: The mathematical needs of learners.

        The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME, embarked on the Mathematical Needs Project to investigate how both the national needs and the individual needs of 5–19 learners in England ccould best be met by a curriculum, delivery policy and implementation framework. Read more at:

        2. Gersten R.M (2005). Early Identification and Interventions for Students With Mathematics Difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities 38(4): 293-304. DOI: 10.1177/0022219405038004030

        The article highlights key findings from the small body of research on mathematics difficulties (MD) relevant to early identification and early intervention. The research demonstrates that (a) for many children, mathematics difficulties are not stable over time; (b) the presence of reading difficulties seems related to slower progress in many aspects of mathematics; (c) almost all students with MD demonstrate problems with accurate and automatic retrieval of basic arithmetic combinations, such as 6 + 3. The following measures appear to be valid and reliable indicators of potential MD in kindergartners: (a) magnitude comparison (i.e., knowing which digit in a pair is larger), (b) sophistication of counting strategies, (c) fluent identification of numbers, and (d) working memory (as evidenced by reverse digit span). These are discussed in terms of the components of number sense. Implications for early intervention strategies are explored. Read more at:

        3. ‘Understood’ is a nonprofit organization dedicated to shaping the world for difference. It provides resources and support so people who learn and think differently can thrive — in school, at work, and throughout life. Read more at:

        4. Koskinen, R. & Pitkäniemi. H. (2022). Meaningful Learning in Mathematics: A Research Synthesis of Teaching Approaches. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 17(2).

        The article is a synthesis of the fragments of research focused on teaching and learning in Mathematics, in the context of school education and meaningful learning. The research targets the links between the different approaches used in teaching, interaction during the teaching-learning process and learning outcomes. Methodologically, the dataset consists of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods studies and meta-analyses. According to the findings, the use of contextual, concrete and social approaches promotes meaningful learning in mathematics, although with certain refinements. The analyses reveal that high-quality learning in mathematics requires guidance during student activities and evaluation with immediate feedback during the teaching-learning process. It also requires the skill among
        teachers to choose suitable contexts and learning tools, and to focus the students’ communication on what is relevant. Read more at:
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        5. Children’s Diverse Mathematics Learning Needs: A resource for teachers (2010). Frid, S. & Straalen Van, D., (eds). Australian Learning and Teaching Council.

        The project CD (Children;s Diverse) was developed through the Australian Learning and Teaching Council aiming at developing primary teacher education students’ professional capacities for children’s diverse mathematics achievement and learning needs. The term ‘diversity’ encompasses children’s age and achievement levels, interests, backgrounds, learning styles, learning and social skills, rates of learning, and learning environments. Read more at:

        • #1270

            Dear Elena, your suggestions for watching and studing are excellent and with a close relation with the content of the MOOC.

        • #1271

            Dear Elena, your suggestions for watching and studying are excellent and with a close relation to the content of the MOOC.

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