Despina Dimitriou

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    • #887
      Despina Dimitriou

        Hello ,my name is Despina Dimitriou and I am a student at University of Cyprus. One cool gadgets fro STEAM learning is a 3D printer. A 3D printer is a type od device that creates three- dimensional objects by depositing successive layers of material, following a digital design or model. They enable repid prototyping, customization, and the production od comlpex geometries that would be difficult or impossible to create using traditional manufacturing methons. Some ideas to used the 3D printers in the classroom is :

        1)Math Manipulatives: print geometric shapes, fractions or other math manipulative to help students visualize abstract mathematical concepts. These tactile objects can make learning math more engaging and accessible.

        2) Historical Artefacts: Print repricas of historical artifacts, archaeological finds or cultural objects to bring history lessons to life. Students can study these artefacts up close and even handle them, deepening their understanding of history and culture.

        3) Art and Design Projects: Incorporate 3D printing into art and designs projecs by having students create sculptures, jewelry or other artistic pieces. They can explore different design techniques and experiment with meterial and textures.

        4) Environmental Awareness: Print models of environmental phenomena, such as the water cycle, ecosystems or renewable energy systems. This can help students understand complex environmental concepts and explore solutions to environmental challenges.

      • #888
        Despina Dimitriou

          Hello ,my name is Despina Dimitriou and I am a student at University of Cyprus. One cool gadgets fro STEAM learning is a 3D printer. A 3D printer is a type od device that creates three- dimensional objects by depositing successive layers of material, following a digital design or model. They enable repid prototyping, customization, and the production od comlpex geometries that would be difficult or impossible to create using traditional manufacturing methons. Some ideas to used the 3D printers in the classroom is :

          1)Math Manipulatives: print geometric shapes, fractions or other math manipulative to help students visualize abstract mathematical concepts. These tactile objects can make learning math more engaging and accessible.

          2) Historical Artefacts: Print repricas of historical artifacts, archaeological finds or cultural objects to bring history lessons to life. Students can study these artefacts up close and even handle them, deepening their understanding of history and culture.

          3) Art and Design Projects: Incorporate 3D printing into art and designs projecs by having students create sculptures, jewelry or other artistic pieces. They can explore different design techniques and experiment with meterial and textures.

          4) Environmental Awareness: Print models of environmental phenomena, such as the water cycle, ecosystems or renewable energy systems. This can help students understand complex environmental concepts and explore solutions to environmental challenges.

      Mostrando 1 respuesta al debate