Niove ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses
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polyxeni soteriadou ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses
Xenios Ioannou ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses
Angelina ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses
Eleni ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses
Gladys Fernie ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses
Marilena empezó el debate Inspiring STEAM: Tech Tools for Creativity & Critical Thinking en el foro DISCUSSIONS hace 4 meses
In the contemporary digital landscape, the integration of technology within education has transformed student engagement with learning. Technological advancements across STEAM are equipping learners of all ages with tools to explore complex topics more deeply and stimulate their natural curiosity. This exploration aims to highlight various…Leer más
José María Díaz Fuentes ha respondido al debate STEAM MATERIAL en el foro RESOURCES hace 4 meses
In my library section I have posted three images of projects carried out with my students. They are STEAM projects that are very motivating for everyone in general.
The works are made with Tinkercad and link knowledge of Art, History, Architecture, Mathematics and use of ICT.
José María Díaz Fuentes ha respondido al debate 2.4.3.a. Can we build a CoP of STEAM resources all together? en el foro RESOURCES hace 4 meses
An effective resource for identifying students’ needs and behaviors is to conduct diagnostic assessments. These assessments allow students’ strengths and weaknesses to be identified, their performance in class and during educational activities to be observed, and open communication to be established with them to learn about their interests,…Leer más
Ebru YARAMANCI ha respondido al debate 2.4.3.a. Can we build a CoP of STEAM resources all together? en el foro RESOURCES hace 4 meses
Öğrenciler meslekleri araştırdı ve mesleklere uygun giysi ,hareket ve dialog oluşturdular.Okuldaki diğer öğrencilere sunum yaptılar.
Ebru YARAMANCI ha respondido al debate 2.4.3.a. Can we build a CoP of STEAM resources all together? en el foro RESOURCES hace 4 meses
Eleni nin etkinliği çok etkileyici .Disiplinler arası yaklaşımı ve işbirliği içinde yapılması çok amacına uygun olmuş.
Ebru YARAMANCI ha respondido al debate 2.4.3.a. Can we build a CoP of STEAM resources all together? en el foro RESOURCES hace 4 meses
Antonia nın etkinliğini çok beğendim. Steam için güzel bir uygulama olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Ebru YARAMANCI ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses
filiz empezó el debate Mindfuness tutumlarını uygulayan bir sınıftaSTEAM olan ilgideki artış en el foro RESOURCES hace 4 meses
Reflections of Conscious Awareness Approach in Vocational High Schools on Mathematics Course Motivation
Mathematics Teacher and Education Coach
fcatkincivlak @gmail.comA large portion of vocational high school students see success in mathematics as a problem. They have intense prejudices and anxieties stemming from both the…Leer más
Şirin Metin ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses
isabel ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses, 1 semana
José María Díaz Fuentes ahora es un usuario registrado hace 4 meses, 1 semana
Ainhoa ha respondido al debate 7th Meeting of Innovative Centers in Alicante en el foro EVENTS & CONFERENCES hace 4 meses, 1 semana
Este tipo de encuentros me parece sumamente valioso, ya que permite compartir buenas prácticas y experiencias de innovación educativa que pueden inspirar y mejorar nuestras propias prácticas en el aula. No había escuchado sobre este evento antes, pero creo que es muy beneficioso para las escuelas al fomentar un espacio de aprendizaje col…Leer más
Ainhoa ha respondido al debate University of Alicante-About the MOOC en el foro DISCUSSIONS hace 4 meses, 1 semana
The MOOC was a valuable learning experience that expanded my knowledge and deepened my understanding of the subject. I appreciated the flexibility to learn at my own pace and the diversity of resources provided, which made the material engaging and accessible. Overall, it was an enriching experience that I would recommend to others looking to…Leer más
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